
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Speed Machines! (It's all about perspective)

These are the new additions to the collection!
My fiance surprised me with the silver one, what can I say the girl rocks!
I'm looking forward to cruising to the coffee shop, and park with DG.
I am one lucky dude!

I think that was a double dimple smile I saw!
Happiness is a journey, not a destination, these sweet rides will make the trip interesting I'm sure ;)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Spring Time in the Rockies

A little snow yesterday snarled traffic, guess people have short term memory.....

Probably another transplant from California.

Snow in the morning, gone in the afternoon, beautiful sunsets,
I completely understand why they would want to live here.....

Snow yesterday, not a cloud in the sky today......

Supposed to be back in the 70's today

Wait 30 minutes and the weather will change again...........

Monday, April 14, 2008

83 in a 65, Oops!

Got caught lead-foot'n it up to the mountains on Saturday morning!

We weren't the only people up at 6am....

When the officer asked if I knew how fast I was going I was honest, I said, "I think around 78-80, my spedometer is off because I have non stock tires on the car". I was close, it turned out I was going 83 in a 65, good guess. I only ended up with a 1 point ticket for being honest....

I didnt get the High Score for the weekend though ;)

420 at Ft. Lewis College, Your Parents Tuition Dollars at Work!

Not that I condone, or have ever taken part in such events, but it is kinda funny to watch!


I came across this at lunch today.
Looks like some one was paying homage to the barbie gods, or just pissed off their brother.

Living The Dream

Cyn and I headed up to the mountains with the intention of hitting A-Basin Sunday after skiing Loveland on Saturday. On the way up Loveland Pass, we decided to make some Pass runs. It turned out the wind and snow on Saturday was enough to steer most people away, and what we found Sunday morning was a beautiful basin with untouched lines as far as the eye could see. We found that there were definitely pockets of wind slab 1-2 feet, so we stuck to the lower angle terrain above tree line and did the majority of turns straight off the pass road. We did however manage one early 40-50 minute hike along the ridge above the basin, dropping in for our longest run of the day. We skied fresh lines in 1+ foot of pow all morning By 12:30 we were toast, and headed back to town. This has been an amazing ski season, its not often that storms line up for the weekends like they have this year.

Blue Bird Day! Sun, Snow, Smiles

Got Freshies all Morning Long

Little Traverse Trough Some Wind Scour

Nice Lines All Morning!
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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Got Snow?

April pow days rule!

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Latest in Coffee Technology.......

The days of spilling coffee all over yourself and your car are a thing of the past.
These little b-plugs for your coffee are Super Cool!!!!
Rumor has it the rest of the country has had this technology for a while, what can I say, things move a little slower out here.

Back in Winter Mode......

My commute came to a screeching halt this morning, what typically is a 35 min drive from Cyn's turned into a 2+ hour sloppy mess. As usual its not the weather that's the problem, its the vehicle operators..........

Door slammed shut at Lincoln & I25, all hopes of getting to work on time gone!

Thank goodness my town police have H2's for just these occasions!

That's your tax dollars at work baby!

The County only has Blazers.... Poor bastards

Ah the weather bubble, its funny sometimes when its cloudy in the rest of the world, its completely sunny in Castle Rock, other times its socked in. The surveyors at my company swear there is an invisible dome above the city built and controlled by "the man", you look out the window its sunny, a 1/4 mile out of town it can be a blizzard. Today the dome effect was in reverse, kinda.

F-the bike, I think I'm gonna go skiing this weekend........

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Watch Out Bubba!

Join the movement to end violence against cyclists!


I have never feared for my life like I did in Salt Lake City. Upon arriving in the city and our first venture out we found that simply standing off of the side walk within the crosswalks could be hazardous to your health. Apparently this has been a problem for a while as the city has painted warnings on the asphalt in the walks, and provided cute little orange flags to cross the street with. We witnessed a number drivers flying into the crosswalks to stop just before the intersections, only to back out of said cross walk when they realized there were people (us) attempting to cross the street. Maybe we were doing something wrong?

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Have you ever been so happy it has rendered you speechless?
We'll its happened to me........

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Tribe

How can you not smile when you see this?

Or wake up to this?

No matter what, these li'll buggers are always happy to see me. Even when I've been a total DB! (I would have left me by now). They never hold a grudge, always forgive, and show unconditional love. That's how our Tribe do... One member has been gone for a bit, the Tribe's still here, a little wacky, but still here.

Koppenberg 08, Kinda......

Saturday Chris and I set out to find some wind! We thought what better place to look than out at the Koppenberg course. This would also give us a chance to take a couple laps around the circut before racing it Sunday. We rolled out from MOB and headed up 32nd to the outskirts of Golden, where we turned North towards the course. What an awesome day, it was in the low to mid 60's, plenty of sun, and wind for everyone to enjoy. We headed 82nd to HWY 93 then a quick jont down 93 to HWY 128 and on to the course........

Once we hit the course we were absolutely sand blasted, I have never been in a situation like that, let alone on a bike. Imagine blizzard conditions blowing snow, with zero visibility, replace the snow with sand and that's what we had. It must suck to live in the desert! We rolled a lap and said enough with that junk, and set sail for home. Going back was sweet, it seemed like it was all down hill with a tail wind. Good times!

Koppenberg on Sunday was canceled because of unsafe racing conditions. Saturday 65 and sunny, Sunday 27 and snow. Spring time in the Rockies!!!!!

Head'n back to D-Town

Plenty of Wind for Everybody! Even Bubba

The Wind Hunt, Found plenty out here too!
There's actualy a wind farm just to the west....

Look Ma, No Hands! (My Fiance Loves these Pic's)